On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 16:55:09 +0100 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
So, what to choose?
- The changing background colour of the text field doesn't take any
new space on the toolbar but still requires for each backward search that the keybinding is pressed.
- The additional button for backwards search is probably most
intuitive and most easy to use, but eats some space.
- Combine both?
- Anything completely different?
Really the main thing is the keybinding.
I think the issues are: 1. how to indicate backwards mode 2. how to save space 3. how to quickly search in the opposite direction
Personally I'm not keen on changing the background colour - it would serve its purpose, but there's not really any logic to it - why should backwards mode be a certain colour?
I think I made things more complicated by suggesting another button for searching backwards - perhaps we should just have the one button. Then in backwards mode, instead of the stock find icon, we can show the stock up icon. That way we wouldn't need to change the colour, and we save space.
The remaining thing for functionality could be if shift is held when enter is pressed from the search bar, or when clicking the find button, then reverse the search direction, just for that action.
Regards, Nick