I find Geany constantly performing expansions of the words 'for' and 'if' whenever I try to write a plain-text email, or when I'm inside a code code comment block. It would be nice to tell Geany "Don't help me when I'm writing this kind of code".
I would love to see something like Textmate's scope-based completion here. You can achieve this in TM by specify snippets in the "source.c" scope, which presumable ignores expansions inside "source.c.comment" (or "comment.c").
But easier said than done: to implement scopes you would have to piggyback on the Scintilla lexer, generating the scopes while it does highlighting, or map the scopes to the lexer output after it has done its work.
On the up-side, a scope system would unlock a world of possibilities for per-scope build commands, shortcut keys, snippets, syntax, highlighting, and indentation rules. For instance, you can customize the indentation in "source.php" and have those rules apply to all the PHP blocks embedded in HTML documents. It's quite powerful.
Best, Maris