On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:00:20 +0200, Yura Siamashka yurand2@gmail.com wrote:
Also it is just me but I have to work with a lot of small projects and all this "Open/Close" commands are annoying.
That is the problem.
Now about solution:
For example we have 2 projects "a", "c" and file without project plans.txt:
~/projects/a/a.c ~/projects/a/.geanyprj ~/projects/a/nested/b.c ~/projects/c/c.c ~/projects/c/.geanyprj ~/plans.txt
If you try to open ~/projects/a/nested/b.c geany will find ~/projects/a/.geanyprj and load it as currebt project since file b.c belong to project.
.geanyprj should contains information about project base dir, and files that in project for example for "a":
[project] base_dir=./ run_cmd=./a [files] file0=./*.c:recursive file1=./*.h:recursive
if you open or change current tab to ~/projects/c/c.c geany will close project "a" and open ~/projects/c/.geanyprj as current project.
if you open plans.txt it should just close current project.
IMO this shouldn't happen because then a project is closed everytime the user loads a file which doesn't belong to the project. This would probably more confuse than help.
Switching projects should regenerate and load TAGS for all project files. (killer feature "Go to Tag" should work for all files in project not for just opened ones)
This would be cool.
I am going to implement this as plugin. Any comments?
Why doing this against us? Why implementing it improved porject support with us? Whether as a plugin which extends current features or by adding new features directly in Geany(by patches and/or svn write access). I think an "alternate project support" like in the GIT repo description isn't the best idea.
Regards, Enrico