On Tue, 17 Jul 2007 10:59:36 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
One last thing I notice, which may or may not be a bug: If I select multiple lines, each having a different amount of whitespace before the text, for example:
''' foo bar baz '''
and I unindent-by-space, when that "foo" hits column 0, I expect the unindenting to not go any further. Instead, what happens is that "foo" stays where it is, but the next 2 lines keep unindenting. Same thing happens when bar hits column 0, and will continue until all lines are flush left. This behaviour seems wrong to me, but maybe you prefer it. The regular indent/unindent commands behave this way as well.
Yes, this behaviour is intentionally in both cases(space and regular indentation). I never thought of anything else. Reason and/or examples to change it are welcome but I think to stop deindenting(or unindenting or however it is called ;-)) when any line within the selection reaches column 0, isn't the best choice. Then you have to reselect your text in case you want to deindent the other lines further. In your case, if you want to stop the deindenting when the first line reaches column 0 just stop pressing the keyboard shortcut. I think it's fair enough.
Regards, Enrico