Hi ...
I really like the way Geany is developing, and after making some changes my self I have found a few things I really like to be a part of the nice IDE.
There have been done a lot to make code handling really nice, and I am growing very addicted to stuff like the symbol list and the fast highlight feature. Many of the features in Geany are normally found in much larger IDE systems and I have therefor never really used these before.
I really like the light weight idea, so I guess we have to be careful of what will be put inside the base system and what we put into a plugin.
But there are a few things I am missing :
* emacs keys and behavior (like auto structure) * make file generation (cmake, automake or plain make) * network code development
emacs : If the plugin interface could handle key strokes, code insertion handles, and be able to work directly inside the text buffer, this should be do able from a plugin really soon. Maybe the plugin should be able to take over the key stroke table ? It would be nice to see this as a Lua script too.
Project: It would be sad to see a full size make file generation go into Geany as part of the IDE, but plugins would be the proper way to handle this. But it would be nice if the central project system could handle a list of project files (not session) and that a plugin could get access to this list, and from this generate makefiles, setting options and other usefull stuff.
If Geany gets a plugin manager, we could also select the makefile support that we needed.
But Geany need to have a "project files", along with the "symbols", "Documents", "Files" in the sidebar.
This feature could also be used for web site uploads and other project orientated stuff.
Network: A friend of my have this nice idea of making a distributing editor environment where more than one person could work on the same file, while talking on the phone or using IM of a kind. If a plugin could have total power of file load, save and all changes made in the editor, this could be a perfect playgroud for a feature like this, without bloating Geany itself.
This is some of my idea's ... is this do able and within scope of Geany or am I way off track ?