Updated GTK, rebuilt spellcheck.
Install Spell Check plugin binary in : /usr/lib64/geany Install Spell Check files in : /usr/local Using Geany version : 0.17 Using GTK version : 2.14.7 Using libenchant version : 1.4.2
Still no joy.
Downloaded source for geany. Start from scratch.
Remove the old version Build the new version. Spend 15 minutes figuring out that make install for geany does NOT put geany.pc into /usr/share/pkgconfig so spellcheck configure fails.
(Hey, I'm a newbie...)
Build spellcheck
run /usr/local/bin/geany -v
** INFO: Geany 0.18, GTK+ 2.14.7, GLib 2.18.4 ... ** INFO: Can't load plugin: /usr/local/lib/geany/spellcheck.so: undefined symbol: gtk_menu_item_set_label
Time to snooze.
Sherwood of Sherwood's Forests
Sherwood Botsford Sherwood's Forests -- http://Sherwoods-Forests.com 780-848-2548 50042 Range Rd 31 Warburg, Alberta T0C 2T0