On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:37:43 +1000, Lex wrote:
Hi Lee,
2009/8/18 Lee Gold leegold@operamail.com:
I tried changing colors in files.common. Changing just color does not solve the problem because the symbols are very tiny pin pricks. Changing them to black or red does not help. Changing background color from white totally disrupts the "look".
Unfortunately AFAICT the visible whitespace display is hard coded in Scintilla, the editing component used by Geany (http://www.scintilla.org). Geany can only turn it on/off. The best that can be done is to fiddle with the settings to minimise the disruption whilst maximising visibility.
Another, in the long term more promising thing to be done is to request this feature enhancement to the Scintilla project, once it is available there, it will also be available in Geany (ok, maybe with some little delay :D). I don't know whether it's a coincidence or whether it was one of you but today exactly this request was made:
The Scintilla developer stated he won't work on this himself but that doesn't mean it's not possible to get improved. Some just need to write some code for it.
Regards, Enrico