You hit the nail on the head. This would be nice at least if it were configurable....maybe a checkbox for 'autocomplete all words' or something similar. I agree though, this would likely not be feasible for multiple documents.
I know Scite does this by default for a single document and does not show any noticeable speed deficiency as a result. If this were to be developed I'd happily test this theory with large documents.
Thanks, Bryan
2009/6/10 Enrico Tröger
On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 15:26:41 -0400, William wrote:
I would like to know if there is a way to autocomplete words other than symbols in Geany similar to the way it works in Scite. For example, when I am programming in Haskell, I normally write the type definition for a function before I write the function itself:
SomeReallyLongFunctionName :: Int -> Int
Then I immediately start writing the function definition after that,
Because I (maybe others) don't know Haskell at all, a code sample would help demonstrating what you want.
however I can't use autocomplete to complete the function name. Instead I have to either type the whole thing out again or copy and paste it. This would also help out a lot when I am programming in a language that is not directly supported by Geany i.e. Groovy.
If I understand you correctly, you want completion of arbitrary words of the current document. This is indeed not possible but was requested one or even multiple times in the past. The obvious problem is that it might slow down everything significantly because then Geany would parse and remember each single word in the current document and to complete the typed start of a word it would need to check the already typed against all words of the document. If you want it globally, for all open documents, it would be even worse. However, maybe it won't be as slow or not noticeable, this needs to be tested.
Regards, Enrico
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