John Gabriele wrote:
So, I can confirm that replacing tabs with spaces is a bit 'buggy' at least...
Can you describe what exactly happened? In the past, the Geany developers have been quite responsive to detailed bug reports.
OK... Fair enough...
1. sudo geany /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ 2. set Geany to replace tabs with spaces 3. save the file 4. run it (/usr/bin/sonata)
harold@DBWS439:~$ sonata Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/sonata", line 28, in <module> import sonata File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/", line 208 sys.exit() ^ IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
The original source: (s=space, t=tab)
ttLine 206 stttLine 207 sttLine 208
This indentation is visibly aligned correctly and python doesn't complain about it, but it's incorrectly corrected by Geany upon save ;)
ssssssssLine 206 sssssssssssssLine 207 sssssssssLine 208
The single 'space' should be discarded in this case, since it's followed by a tab.
I don't know if the general rule can be something like:
"if (no. of spaces < tabWidthInSpaces) then discard spaces"
"if (no. of spaces < tabWidthInSpaces/2) then discard spaces else insert tabWidthInSpaces*space"
tabWidthInSpaces should default to 4...
Hope this helps...