On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 11:13:30 +0100, spir denis.spir@free.fr wrote:
Some notes about the replace feature/interface:
-1- I think the arrow should go and these replace choices be visible from start -- does this serve any purpose?
I wrote this in another mail in this thread, one/the reason for the arrow was to simplify the dialog. But based on the feedback in this thread, we will remove it.
-3- I would add a "replace all in current scope" function that I dream of for years already ;-) where 'scope' means closest nesting func, class, or whatever.
Hmm, not sure. Could be done but adds yet another button, yet another thing you need to sort out when you do a quick search/replace. (this is not a 'no', just a 'I won't work on it')
-4-This button and "in selection" should be invalid (greyed) whenever there is no 'scope' (module toplevel, meaning "in scope" = "in doc") or there is no selection.
Yes, this is a good idea (at least for selection).
-5- I would also add a "in project" choice to allow lexical evolution at project level. This would walk together with file/doc/module registering in project. (The latter would also allow straightforward
We discussed this already a couple of times earlier, we don't want a discrete list of files per project. We have session support for projects which is really convenient and sufficient.
project stage freezing/recording e.g into myProj-0.10-01_02_2009.tar).
Uh, this is something a build system should do, not an IDE/Texteditor.
-6- I'd love an '\i' code working in both the search & replace fields, that would mean 'indent' & match the user specified value for one level of indentation in preferences (that is n spaces or one tab).
Use regular expressions like "^[ \t] .*" or something similar, I usually fail to construct untested regexps :).
Regards, Enrico