On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 16:47:15 +0100, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
On 07/19/2007 01:01:17 PM, Jean-François Wauthy wrote:
I put together a patch that adds icons in the symbol treeview. I had
Thank you very much Jean-François. Great.
As a side question, why do you parse the string stored in the treeview instead of simply adding a column storing the line number (as an integer) associated with the symbol in the model and not showing in tree ?
I find it's sometimes useful to see the line number of tags.
I also don't want to remove the line number from the shown tag name. But we really could store the line number as an integer in the tree store and ust read it in the selection changed callback instead of parsing the line number out of the name. Should be faster and in any case safer. I will change the code after Nick applied the patch.
Regards, Enrico