On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Emil Brink emil@obsession.se wrote:
Not wanting to hi-jack the thread, but if your VCS happens to be git, you might want to try my Gitbrowser plug-in (https://github.com/unwind/gitbrowser) and see if that helps with this.
If i was using git, i would certainly do so, but for me git violates the most sacred fundamentals: make it difficult to use _incorrectly_ (and every time i touch a git repo, i quickly get it into a state which only a clean checkout will recover from). For the sake of other peoples' source trees, i have forbidden myself from using git except in read-only mode. (My DVCS of choice is fossil.)
(Sorry, not to start a flame war - this is one i can't win!)
That means not having any Geany projects, which seems to make sense to me since: ...
Of course, if this totally misses the mark for your use-case(s), just
ignore me and carry on. :)
No, you're not way off the mark. i think on that particular tree i'll just disable the sessions support. Development of my other geany-using projects all takes place on machines of mine, all with the same structures, and i've been using it for 6 months or so without even noticing that it used absolute paths (but i would have bet, if asked, that it used relative paths).
But the fact that the default behaviour can lead to "utterly confusing, potentially damaging" behaviour when someone simply copies his source tree or makes a second checkout on the same machine stuff bugs the hell out of me. That behaviour is understandable (in hindsight), but very non-intuitive and unfortunate.