On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 16:42:51 +0200 "Yura Siamashka" yurand2@gmail.com wrote:
2008/1/9, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com:
I haven't written any yet, but I've been meaning to. (Personally it'd be better for me if the Lua plugin was distributed with Geany because then it would get rebuilt automatically each time we change the plugin abi version - but for most users this isn't a problem).
Lua have very small footprint (compared to other scripting languages). If geany include it like scintilla it will not gain too much fat.
This will allow to distribute lua plugin within geany and don't add more libraries to depend list.
I don't like this idea, it adds extra maintenance, and isn't really necessary. If the Lua plugin was distributed with Geany, Lua can be an optional dependency - probably we could disable building of geanylua if there were no lua headers found when running ./configure.
Distros could then package geany-lua-plugin as a separate package.
Anyway, I'm not sure if everyone wants to do this, maybe not ;-)
Regards, Nick