On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:50:06 -0600 "Alexandru Guzu" alexguzu@gmail.com wrote:
As far as executing Geany in the cygwin environment.. I suppose I have to compile the file using the command line, separately from Geany. And even the cygwin minght not be "complete" in the sense that it may require another piece of software, and so on. I don't really
I haven't used cygwin myself, but it is quite a big suite of software. Personally I just use the MinGW tools. Also I should warn you that compiling Geany on Windows is quite involved, and shouldn't be necessary.
like fiddling with such software. When I was working in java, I used Eclipse, and i just had to install some java stuff, but I knew exactly what to install. Now i don't know what compiler works "out of the box" with Geany on Windows.
The MinGW gcc compiler should work, I use it myself.
You may already have done this, but just in case you downloaded only gcc, use the 'Automated MinGW Installer' program: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435
Also you should probably read any documentation for MinGW.
I understand it can be a barrier having to install tools yourself, but Geany is meant to be a lightweight IDE, and many people use Geany who don't want to do any C programming. So it doesn't make sense for us to offer a bundled download. Of course, someone could make a MinGW-Geany bundle if they want to, under the terms of the GNU GPL.
Probably it's not a good idea to use Geany on Windows after all. Has anyone actually been able to compile with Geany under Windows, and if so, what are the steps?
Besides what I mentioned earlier, you should check that you can compile with gcc from the command prompt (usually cmd.exe). If this is the case, it's possible there is a bug with Geany's build support on Windows.
Another thing to try is writing a Makefile and using the Build->Make command, after configuring the make tool in preferences. (Most useful projects should use makefiles anyway.)
Just to be clear - both gcc and make work fine for me on Windows 2000 with a recent version of Geany (read 0.13).
Regards, Nick