On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:44:48 -0700, Matthew wrote:
On 08/14/11 23:14, Frank Lanitz wrote:
On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:20:25 -0700 Matthew Brushmbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
It works OK here with the latest stable source tarball. I'd put the tags file on the Wiki but it's almost 8MB.
Personally I don't see any big problem with it.
The 5MB file limit mostly.
Hmm, I'm wondering about 5MB, the PHP post limit was at 8MB, I increased it to 16MB for the wiki.
Maybe the wiki limit uploads also but I couldn't find a setting.
Matthew, could you try again and/or give more details if you have (e.g. exact date/time to let me check the logs)?
Regards, Enrico