On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 00:45:48 +0100 Dominic Hopf dmaphy@googlemail.com wrote:
Am Samstag, den 20.02.2010, 00:19 +0100 schrieb Frank Lanitz:
On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 09:24:03 +1300 Andy Elvey andy.elvey@paradise.net.nz wrote:
Another suggestion - a black background with white (or green) text.
Bad idea IMHO.
Well, black background and green font doesn't actually represent Geany that much. I like the idea of Milan with coloring the padding areas in gray. But I'm thinking of using a Tango color, e.g. #eeeeec for that, since the Geany icon on the top left is also realized with Tango colors afaik.
What do you guys think about that?
Tangocolours are fine.
Cheers, Frank