On Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:28:57 +0000 (UTC), AC gmane.0vd@gishpuppy.com wrote:
First of all, thanks a lot for Geany - I've started using it only recently, but it's exactly what I needed; powerful, yet lightweight!
However, there is one issue that is really confusing to me - the way whitespace is ignored during "word-jumping" (for lack of a better term - i.e. using CTRL+Right/Left to move the cursor).
It's a bit tricky to explain, so here's an example: function foo() { lorem = "ipsum dolor sit amet"; }
If I use CTRL+Right to move the cursor, it will jump as follows (asterisk indicates cursor positions): *function* foo*() { lorem* = "ipsum*";* }*
However, I would expect it to move like this: *function* foo()* {* *lorem* =* "*ipsum*";* *}*
Is there any way to change this behavior?
Probably not. You may play with the hidden pref "use_gtk_word_boundaries" and set it to 'false' (should be 'true' by default).
To do so, open your ~/.geany/geany.conf wile Geany is not running, search this key and change its value. But I guess this also won't result in the desired behaviour.
Regards, Enrico