I just built the current SVN version r632 on Windows. I packaged just the executable, since the other files didn't change.
It's available here: http://files.uvena.de/geany/geany_svn_win32_upd.zip
In the archive is the geany.exe which should replace your old one. @Alexandre: can you test your translation problems, perhaps they are fixed with this built, but I'm not sure.
In the archive is also geany_xc.exe which is an executable built from the same code but built under Linux using a cross compiler. I just want you to test it if you have some time. If the cross compiled version works well and there are no new bugs from the compiling process, this would be the way I built the releases because it is more comfortable for me to build the executable under Linux instead of powering on my notebook and boot there Windows. I noticed one issue with the cross compiled executable: there is no gettext support, it is always in English. I don't know why, I'll try to fix this within the next days. But I hope all other things will work.
Later, I'll write some short instructions to set up a cross compiler environment on the website.
Regards, Enrico
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