On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 21:43:56 +0200, "Mateusz Mucha" muszek@gmail.com wrote:
The story has been picked up by quite a few sites, including newsforge.com, lxer.com, dzone.com. It's been read over 4000 times so far on my site (you probably got many hits directly from those big shots, too). I hope it will help increase the userbase a bit :)
Oh, I just had a look at the statistics[1]. Unfortunately, the descriptions on the page are in German but I think you will see it anyway: the average of around 3000 hits per day got blasted by you to a maximum of 34000 hits. Cool, thank you.
[1] http://frank.uvena.de/stats/geany/usage_200704.html
Regards, Enrico
-- Get my GPG key from http://www.uvena.de/pub.key