On Jan 2, 2008 2:47 PM, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
We could add a separate path(outside of the Geany source directory) for external plugins in Geany's Subversion repository and give plugin authors access to it.
Right now the Lua plugin is mostly a one-man operation, so I don't see any big advantage to providing a collaborative environment for it.
But if enough people really want access to code changes on a day-to-day basis, or if some others want to join the project then yes, I would certainly consider moving it into SVN.
I have also considered registering it at luaforge[1], they offer web space, CVS account, forums, mailing lists, bug tracker, etc. for any projects that use Lua.
That might also provide some additional exposure for Geany, there seem to be a fair amount of Lua fans who use SciTE, so another editor that provides Lua scripting might be a big hit in that community.
Of course it is also possible to register the project at luaforge and still maintain the code somewhere else, if the people here would rather keep a central location for all Geany plugins.
One thing I would like to set up somewhere is a repository for contributed geanylua scripts, but that should probably be some sort of wiki or forum or something like that.
Not sure if that answers any questions, but I'm open to feedback...
- Jeff