On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:42:07 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
On 7/31/07, Jeff Pohlmeyer yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
I just ran into a (probably rare) crash bug in Geany.
If I try to switch Document->Set Encoding from "Unicode->UTF-8" to "Without encoding" , then the next time I save the document I get a segfault. It looks like it happens when Geany tries to rebuild the tags...
Possibly off-topic, but it seems odd that there's an option for "no encoding". I mean, the editor has to assume *some* encoding... Is the "Without encoding (None)" option supposed to mean ascii?
Take it as on-disk encoding. The whole story can be found at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=787794&aid=1580456... And I thought we also discussed this on-list but right now I can't find an appropriate thread.
Regards, Enrico