I actually think this would be an awesome improvement and could go into Geany but it still needs someone to write it. So, patches are welcome.
Hmm...ok. Since I'd like to learn something, can somebody of you give me a near life case study for this feature? Even I guess I understood what it should do, I'm ot sure, why and when to use it.
Sure. I use this all the time for renaming bunches of tiles for example...
gordon:goo$ ls -1 20056311.21-10-2008-135441.3D_T1.mnc 20056385.21-10-2008-131827.2D_T2.mnc 20056385.21-10-2008-131827.3D_T1.mnc 20056436.22-10-2008-132614.2D_T2.mnc 20056436.22-10-2008-132614.3D_T1.mnc 20056543.24-10-2008-144859.2D_T2.mnc 20056543.24-10-2008-144859.3D_T1.mnc ...
These are a bunch of MRI images that I want to rename so that the date (second "field") is in yyyymmdd format as per the first column. Yes I could do this via some awful perl/shell/awk/sed script and if it was something that I was to do all the time I would. The point is I deal with 1000's of these files every week and each case is always slightly different. So I find myself doing this:
gordon:goo$ EDITOR=nedit vidir . (I have an alias for this as opposed to normally using vi)
Which gives me this.. (in nedit)
1 ./20056311.21-10-2008-135441.3D_T1.mnc 2 ./20056385.21-10-2008-131827.2D_T2.mnc 3 ./20056385.21-10-2008-131827.3D_T1.mnc 4 ./20056436.22-10-2008-132614.2D_T2.mnc 5 ./20056436.22-10-2008-132614.3D_T1.mnc 6 ./20056543.24-10-2008-144859.2D_T2.mnc 7 ./20056543.24-10-2008-144859.3D_T1.mnc ...
First, a quick vertical select and delete or two gives me this.
1 ./20056311.21102008-135441.3D_T1.mnc 2 ./20056385.21102008-131827.2D_T2.mnc 3 ./20056385.21102008-131827.3D_T1.mnc 4 ./20056436.22102008-132614.2D_T2.mnc 5 ./20056436.22102008-132614.3D_T1.mnc 6 ./20056543.24102008-144859.2D_T2.mnc 7 ./20056543.24102008-144859.3D_T1.mnc ...
Then select the "day" part and press <Ctrl>0 (6 times)
1 ./20056311.10200821-135441.3D_T1.mnc 2 ./20056385.10200821-131827.2D_T2.mnc 3 ./20056385.10200821-131827.3D_T1.mnc 4 ./20056436.10200822-132614.2D_T2.mnc 5 ./20056436.10200822-132614.3D_T1.mnc 6 ./20056543.10200824-144859.2D_T2.mnc 7 ./20056543.10200824-144859.3D_T1.mnc
And the same for the "year" and press <Ctrl>9 (2 times).
Now Save, quit and grin. I also use this sort of feature a lot for reorganising chunks of code in "columns". Here for example is a bunch of code that I am currently writing to export some DICOM images..
$d->{'0008'}{'0005'} = &create_element('0008', '0005', 'ISO_IR 100'); $d->{'0008'}{'0008'} = &create_element('0008', '0008', 'DERIVED\PRIMARY\RECON TOMO\EMISSION'); $d->{'0008'}{'0012'} = &create_element('0008', '0012', '20090303'); $d->{'0008'}{'0013'} = &create_element('0008', '0013', '224555'); $d->{'0008'}{'0014'} = &create_element('0008', '0014', '777.777.0.0.0'); $d->{'0008'}{'0016'} = &create_element('0008', '0016', '1.2.840.10008.'); $d->{'0008'}{'0018'} = &create_element('0008', '0018', '777.777.'); $d->{'0008'}{'0020'} = &create_element('0008', '0020', ''); $d->{'0008'}{'0021'} = &create_element('0008', '0021', '');
And say that I wanted to quickly swap the Element and Group fields about (the hash references).
I should also note that in Nedit's case the Shift (column) Right and Left functions are simply "overloaded" versions of the normal case. ie:
Select text normally and shift right == indent Vertical Select text and shift right == column shifting as per above.