Cheers Lex, that answers my question perfectly.
For what reason would Scintilla not separate escapes from strings? It seems like a useful feature.
On 12 February 2012 21:00, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 13 February 2012 07:46, Damon McMinn wrote:
Hi all,
New to Geany (and programming).
I would very much like to have escape sequences highlighted in a similar
to gedit. I've searched high and low for an explanation on how to achieve this and have come up empty. I'm sure it's very simple, however it's a mystery to me! I have attached a screenshot to visually explain what I
The reason you can't find how to do it is that it isn't possible. Scintilla ( is the editing component that does the lexing for the highlighting, and it doesn't separate escapes from strings.
To do it you would have to change the C++ code of the lexer in Scintilla
Cheers Lex
Also, I realise I'm not using the default color scheme. I have tested
the default color scheme and still don't have the highlighting I seek.
Unsure if it's pertinent but am using 0.20.
Many thanks,
Damon McMinn
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