On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:29:25 +0200, Yura Siamashka yurand2@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 13:38 +0100, Enrico Tröger wrote:
- Windows doesn't have fnmatch, I replaced it's usage with modified
function I found in one of the files. But this is really smell bad.
I'm not yet sure why this happens but fnmatch is available via liberty, IIRC. At least when I wrote the cross-compiling stuff, it worked. Right now, I have some other problems which prevent me from further testing, e.g. configure doesn't detect the host correctly. And I don't have the time to test further now.
2 new changes:
- src/Makefile.am - don't attach geany_LDFLAGS to AM_CFLAGS
Oops, thanks.
- Since without fnmatch.h we fail to build, I included fnmatch
implementation that come internally with gtk.
I'm still thinking it isn't necessary. I did compile it without any extra fnmatch code. I just have to remember and test how I did it. Give me a little time, please. If I'm wrong, I'll apply your patch.
Regards, Enrico