thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately on my part I've been last week pretty busy to post. Following I give a short synopsis of (hopefully) all possibilities of fortran code one can found:
-Fortran77 source code always in fixed format. -Fortran90/95... source code in fixed format (rare). -Fortran90/95... source code in free format.
What should an IDE ideally support: a) Highlighting and folding for the fixed format for F77 and F90/95.. . b) Highlighting and folding for the free format in f90/95. c) Compilation for f77 code. d) Compilation of f90/95 code in free format. e) Compilation of f90/95 code in fixed format.
In order to get highlighting work we need to distinguish between fixed and free format. In order to get compilation work we need to distinguish between fixed and free format but also between f77 and f90/95 fortran standards.
I find that all too complicated. In order to simplify it one could say f77 code is always in fixed format (that's 100% true) and f90/95 code is always in free format (that's 95% true). In this way we leave only the case (e) unsupported.
So we need anyway two filetypes for f77 and f90/95. (It is very common to combine f77 and f90 files in the same project and geany has to compile it).
I would suggest the following mapping:
*.f77, *.F77, *.for, *.FOR, *.f, *.F , *.ftn. *.FTN -> F77 fixed format *.f90, *.F90 -> F90/95 free format
For the f77 group only the link to the right lexer module should be changed.
For the f90 group the current lexer module should be retained but the truncating of lines according to the fixed format should be removed. The g95 compiler should replace the g77 compiler.
I think it's all pretty clear.
My question now is how I could help to get that all solved? I would be glad to try a modified version of geany for example.