Frank Lanitz wrote:
Tristan Crockett wrote:
I have installed the version control plugin for Geany, but I can't find a way to bring any files under source control. What I'm looking for is a way to add a repository and update from/commit to it. The website lists update and commit as supported for Subversion, but I can't find any menus that would allow me to start doing this. The VC menu under 'Tools' just has a bunch of greyed out operations on what looks like the current file (presumably greyed out because there's no files under source control)
I'm thinking I am missing something, but there's not too many menus in Geany, and it seems I have checked everything.
I think the step which was missing here is to have a working, working copy. So e.g. if you work on top of a subversion repository you will have to checkout it first with svn co /path/to/your/repo /local/path When now working inside the working copy you shoudl be able to use the VC plugin. Of course, the svn binary needs to be inside $PATH.
I need to add: As I cannot see which mail client you are using so you might work on Windows or any other OS. To be honest, I never was able to bring subversion with GeanyVC really up and running on Windows due some serious issues with the OS I personally had. So if you are running Windows, it should work pretty much the same as I mentioned before, but I'm afraid I cannot go into more detail and give some support. All what I can say, you will need to get the command line interface for Windows. With tools like tortoise it will most properly not work - Maybe posting a how to in such case (you are working on Windows) once you have figured it out would be cool.
Thanks, Frank