On Sat, 15 Sep 2007 12:00:12 -0500 "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
On 9/15/07, blackdog blackdog@ipowerhouse.com wrote:
So, given that this is late in the day, maybe for now I can just add into struct GeanyData, void *buildInfo
As long as you declare it as a pointer to a struct, and you don't try to dereference the pointer before including the header, I think you can just do it this way, instead of void pointer :
struct BuildInfo *build_info;
Yes but it seems then i need to include build.h in various files then.
Also IMO it is always a good idea to add new fields to the *end* of a struct, to keep the existing offsets the same.
I did that to start but all the struct fields are grouped at the top of the struct and have nulls assigned to them later in order, so not knowing better i thought best keep the form of the existing.
I'm not sure so if Nick or Enrico can tell me what's best I can resubmit.
Thanks for the pointers.
- Jeff
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