There may be some option you can set on the FUSE filesystem to stop it doing that and maybe the latest Ubuntu has changed the default.
I was wondering if there was some sort of automatic change directly after Geany saved to the file that was triggering things. However, didn't the previous version of Geany work that way too? Why did this only start happening after upgrading?
Sorry I misread that you had upgraded both Ubuntu and Geany, if it was only Geany then Ubuntu is unlikely to have changed how it worked.
What save settings are you using, see the wiki for a discussion of the settings available. Maybe the new Geany is using different settings?
The new version does an extra check of the file status, so that the user gets the chance to decide to save or not if the buffer doesn't match the file on disk, even if the buffer is unchanged. But that is before the save actually takes place, so I can't see how it could affect things, but who knows.
Cheers Lex
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