On Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:21:52 +1100 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
If there is more than one such file I am likely to forget which ones I have to save under a different name until I check any conflicts.
That was my thought too.
What about adding the list of files affected to the dialog?
What about adding a checkbox to each entry to give the user the possibility to unselect some of the files.
And what about a common checkbox to enable a "save action" where all files which have to be reloaded are saved with a postfix like "-RELOADED"? Here I'm not sure if this is necessary.
Maybe a list in a modeless dialog box so it can hang around, and the ultimate would be for Geany to change the list in the dialog as the conflict between unsaved and modified files goes away. ;-)
The "add a postfix" action could supersede this!