Le 07/10/2012 10:26, Alessandro Pasotti a écrit :
2012/10/5 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com:
On 5 October 2012 23:00, Alessandro Pasotti apasotti@gmail.com wrote:
Copy $ vars on Linux
- double click on a $ var, like $varname
- paste by pressing the central mouse button
- the $ is not pasted but only the "varname" part
Only varname is selected so thats all that is pasted. This is a function of the definition of what is a word to be selected by the double click.
Yes, it's clear to me that the $ is not selected, I'm asking why.
What I mean (and all KDE-based editors behave like that) is that the $ sign IS part of the (variable) word, and I normally want to copy that too.
You need to update the wordchars setting, either in a per-filetype basis or in filetypes.common. In non-latest Git version, you also need to remove $ from whitespace_chars in filetypes.common.