Hi all, SVN revision 1433 now makes inserting a file header optional for filetype templates (used with the 'New with template' command). This is useful for creating a shell filetype template, so the '#!/bin/sh' is on the first line. (For some weeks it's been possible to add new filetype templates, by creating the appropriate file, e.g. ~/.geany/templates/filetype.sh and restarting Geany).
So now, use the optional string '{fileheader}' in filetype templates to mark where you want the file header template to be inserted. SVN users will want to either add this to their filetype templates (usually on the first line), or delete ~/.geany/templates/filetype.* if no changes have been made to them. This shouldn't affect non-SVN users because the template file path has changed since the 0.10.x releases.
Regards, Nick