On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:24:02 +0100, topi topi@phreaker.net wrote:
i miss in geany changing tabs more efficiently, is ctrl + page down/page up the only way to change between tabs, isn't it?
if possible, can be implemented the same keybindings than gnome-terminal/xfce4-terminal (both gtk-based desktops), alt + tab number???
We already plan to implement this, see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=787794&aid=1560265...
There are two questions for me: a) If we say Alt+1 (or Alt+Tab+1, it doesn't matter at the moment) is 1 the first tab on the left side or on the right side or should it be decided using the tab placement setting? b) Who will do it? Nick do you want to? I don't have much time in the next days but can do it next week.
Regards, Enrico
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