Here is new plugin for geany - geanydoc. You need SVN version of geany to compile it.
geanydoc allow execute specified commands on the current word near the cursor position. This word is passed as an argument to these commands. It allow either place output of these commands in geany buffer *DOC* or just execute external program. Geanydoc is intended to be used for searching documentation API in different sources.
This plugin do job similar to Content Action in geany core. Main differences:
1) It is designed specially to search documentation. And contains sane (IMHO) default configuration for doing this job. It is easier to edit this plugin settings to suit your documentation needs then setup bunch of hidden options for Content Action from scratch.
2) It allow to search documentation in different sources. (Example: For C if word was not found in man 2,3 page it will be searched in devhelp)
3) Allow to place output of documentation command in geany buffer *DOC*. (read: easy integration with console documentation tools such as "man")
plugin web page: http://users.cosmostv.by/yurand/geanydoc/ download 0.1 version: http://users.cosmostv.by/yurand/geanydoc/geanydoc-0.1.tar.gz git repository: http://repo.or.cz/w/geanydoc.git