On Sun, 6 May 2007 17:43:09 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
On 5/6/07, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Sat, 5 May 2007 14:16:55 -0400, "John Gabriele" jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
So, to me it seems to make more sense to keep the sidebar, but lose the tabs when I hit F12.
Hmm, I'm not sure. If I'm working on my laptop which has only a resolution of 1024x768 the extra width is useful so I think it's good to also hide it.
On the other hand, there is also a keybinding for hiding the sidebar separately.
I think it comes down to what's more useful for end users. My own guess would be that most users have upgraded to at least 1280x1024, and probably would want that toggle to give them max lines of code visible (max height). They could then optionally toggle that side bar off if they needed more width (and since they found the menu item to toggle it off, they could find it again to toggle it on again). Seems less common to need more width (especially since Geany can wrap text). And when just hammering away at one file (not working on a project as a whole), that side bar is still useful, while the tabs and message window are less so.
Ok, slowly I get convinced ;-). Probably I will change it soon(read: this week).
Say, I just did an svn update; ./configure --prefix=/home/me/opt; make; make install, but my local geany docs don't show the updates... I can see the updates in geany.docbook, but even the html files in the geany/doc/html directory aren't updated... is there some doc dependency missing in the build system?
The HTML files aren't generated implicitly by make. This is because the generated HTML files are also within the SVN repository. This has the advantage that users don't have to xmlto and the docbook stuff installed to just compile Geany. I update the HTML files in SVN before new releases. So, to generate the HTML files by yourself, go into the doc directory and run "make doc" or "make htmldoc".
Ah. Hadn't noticed that.
I tend to not put anything under version control that gets generated by something else already in version control, but I now see why you've got it set up that way.
Well, I completely agree to not putting generated files under version control, but in the case of our documentation it just seemed better to me than adding the dependency for the whole docbook stuff.
Regards, Enrico
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