I talked with Frank Lanitz briefly about this, but I'm working in a little known language called Ferite (www.ferite.org), and there isn't really any decent IDE support for it, anywhere.
Now, I'd sort of hoped that I could do this work myself, and perhaps I still can, because its always better for someone who knows the language to do the actual work, because I could spot errors before they even occur.
Anyhow, he suggested that I gave you some idea of the syntax:
Keywords: abstract,alias,arguments,attribute_missing,break,case,class,closure,conformsToProtocol,constructor,default,deliver,destructor,diliver,do,else,extends,final,fix,for,function,if,iferr,implements,include,instanceof,method_missing,modifies,namespace,new,private,protected,protocol,public,recipient,rename,return,static,switch,uses,using,while
FeriteDoc: @brief,@class,@declaration,@description,@end,@example,@extends,@function,@group,@implements,@modifies,@module,@namespace,@param,@protocol,@return,@return,@static,@type,@variable,@warning
Primitives: array,number,object,string,void
Literals: false,null,self,super,true
Anyhow, if you can give me some idea of what to do, or what else you might need I'd be great full to hear back.
Thanks, Rowan.