On Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:36:56 -0700, Ben West mrgenixus@gmail.com wrote:
I actually mean making the tool more general, and making more use of it, not neccesarily saying anything baout version control, bear with me while I digress:
I haven't used the vcdiff tool much: typically, I use meld for that, but there's no reason I couldn't use vcdiff -- My point was, I dislike file change notifications in general, and that rather than forcing me to update "right now!" the ability to add changes that were made to the file in the filesystem later might be useful: say I made the same change twice using vim and geany in oder to fix the same problem, got distracted, yada yada...
Sounds like a perfect requirement specification for a version control system :). Nothing what an editor should do.
*Maybe more to the point:* I'm sure the vcdiff tool is great and all, but maybe dissasembling the diff tool from the vc tool and making it possible to simply diff a file and it's file-system copy might be a useful feature? say, add a "view differnces button". Unless I'm mistaken about how plugins work, it wouldn't *have* to hard-depend, but if it was available, the
This could be implemented completely as a plugin: it adds a toolbar button, menu item, whatever to compare the current contents of the editor window with the file contents stored on disk. The plugin could use/depend on the 'diff' command line tool to create the diff or implement an own diff'ing algorithm or whatever. But this will not happen in Geany itself.
file-change notification could defer to the diff tool for merge, replace, etc. You could probably USE meld to do this. Furthermore, if
lol no, never. Meld depends on all the Gnome stuff, Geany will never depend on any Gnome tools, sorry.
(it's a big if) the file in question is being edited via GIO on a remove machine and someone else edits the file you're editing
Note, that Geany won't check remote files at all for disk changes. Regular polling is too slow, GIO based notification doesn't support remote files (see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=557951).
(granted, this shouldn't happen, but say it's the apache config) you maybe don't want to clobber your edits with their edits? If this is too hard, pointless, undesirable, consider me no more than a voice shouting randomly and carry-on as though I said nothing -- this change isn't something I'm invested in, I'm just trying to contribute constructively to the discussion.
Yeah, much appreciated. But still, this is far beyond what Geany should and will provide. We are still aiming at 'fast and lightweight'. There is no point in adding tons of features just to have them, then we are going to create just another Anjuta or even Eclipse...
Regards, Enrico