On Wed, 27 Jun 2007 15:47:02 -0500, "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
On 6/27/07, John Gabriele jmg3000@gmail.com wrote:
On 6/27/07, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
Yes, we need a solution for this. The easiest way would be to always indent by tab in Makefiles. But it won't help if you are editing any other file and currently need a "real" tab. Any ideas on best way to solve?
My understanding is that, for users like me who use only spaces (no tabs) all the time, we've got the following settings set:
- Prefs --> Files tab --> Saving Files --> "replace tabs by space"
checked 2. Prefs --> Editor tab --> Features --> "use tabs when inserting whitespace" un-checked.
For personal projects that I am in complete control over, I will always prefer spaces over tabs. But sometimes I want to fiddle with a project belonging to someone else who prefers tabs, so the safest bet
Like Geany ;-).
It really isn't 100% dependent on the language mode or file type either, although some programs (like gnu make) insist on tabs, and some language's coding conventions (like Pascal) generally frown on tabs. But for C code, the tabs-vs-spaces war will probably rage on forever.
My suggestion would be to add another checkbox to the prefs dialog, instead of "Use tabulators when inserting whitespace" there would be a sub-option, something like:
[X] Use spaces for indentation. -> [X] Tab key still inserts tab char.
Nice idea but the problem is that it is still a global option and you need the preferences dialog if you just change it for one file. So I think John's suggestion is better (see previous mail and my answer on it).
Regards, Enrico