On Feb 13, 2008 12:46 AM, Joerg Desch jd.vvd@web.de wrote:
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 23:54:14 -0600 "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
Anyway, this one is now working on 2000 at least:
It works with my XP too! Thanks. What's the reason for the error? Different compilers?
No, the reason is me getting in too much hurry :-)
I should have checked better to make sure loading a library from another library worked on Windows. I thought I tested it, but I must have forgotten. The answer was to add this funny- looking expression to the front of the exported symbols:
What it means I have no idea, but it works.
I apologize for the problems, hopefully they are gone now.
Thanks for reporting!
- Jeff