Am 01.08.2012 09:07, schrieb Lex Trotman:
On 1 August 2012 16:04, Gour wrote:
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012 23:40:10 +0200 Colomban Wendling wrote:
You mean it reflows the paragraph (^J) but keep the ">" at line starts, right?
No, Geany doesn't currently know there can be stuff that should be kept when reflowing. However I agree that such a feature, if it can also work with comments and strings, too, would be very handy :)
The easiest way to add this would probably be a plugin providing an alternative reflow implementation that takes care of keeping the leading ">".
Actually, vim (and Emacs as well, iirc), can reflow paragraph with nested 'quotes', e.g. "> >".
Geany isn't a vim or emacs clone, so nobody really cared to read their mail in Geany enough to do it.
Providing plugin means hacking in C, right?
Can't you code plugins with Vala and Python as well these days?
Best regards.