it depends of how exactly you want to "integrate Django virtualenv in Geany". One more possibility, aside from what Frank already mentioned, you could use custom build commands to run code in your virtualenv.
For custom build commands (see the Build menu) simply use the Python executable in your virtualenv and not the system-wide Python interpreter. That is, simply specify the full path in the build commands, e.g.: /home/<user>/projects/<project>/env/bin/python manage.py check
And simply adjust the paths and commands you want to run. By using the Python interpreter of the virtualenv, you don't need to activate it, the Python interpreter will do for you.
Regards, Enrico
On 05/01/15 08:17, Thierry Granier wrote:
Hello thanks for your response, but i don't see anywhere how integrate Dajngo virtualenv an Geany. can you precise the web location please? Many thanks
T Granier
Le 04/01/2015 21:31, Frank Lanitz a écrit :
Am 04.01.2015 um 17:49 schrieb Enrico Tröger:
Hi Thierry.
can i use Geany for my Django's projects (in a virtualenv, or not) ??
sure you can. There is a howto in the wiki: http://wiki.geany.org/howtos/geany_and_django
Though in general, you should ask more specific questions, also regarding your other two posts regarding Python 3.4. Many cool things are possible with Geany, but the more specific you ask, the more specific answers you will get. And many information also can be found in the wiki.
And/or inside the documentation.
Cheers, Frank