On 21 March 2011 08:01, Colomban Wendling lists.ban@herbesfolles.org wrote:
A bit late, but..
Le 15/03/2011 03:16, Russell Dickenson a écrit :
I contributed the "Plugin Focus" and "Feature Focus" sections of the newsletter and I wonder what others thought of them. Was the language too simple or was it OK?
Totally OK IMHO, thanks for your work! :)
OK - I know that the language is OK.
The only thing I feel weird about is the last sentences at the end of the feature focus, about the comment being the one for the filetype (I'd say "of course") and Geany being wonderful (again :D). I personally think this sentence is useless (hey, the user probably already uses Geany :D) and a bit... "self-congratulating", don't know the word. No big deal however :)
OK, I understand the "self-congratulating" comment. I'll check the rest of what you said against what I wrote. I can't quite remember exactly.
Was what I said accurate?
Seems, yeah :) Maybe speaking about shortcuts (default for toggle is Ctrl+E) would have been a plus, but maybe it's also a future Feature Focus (to be able to assign custom shortcuts to almost everything).
Good point. I agree that I should have included shortcuts. As you also suggest, a Feature Focus should be the ability to assign custom shortcuts.
Was the screenshot shown in the "Plugin Focus" section OK? This was the first time I have ever annotated a screenshot so I wasn't sure if it looked OK.
I won't tell you it's great art, but it does it job totally well IMHO. Maybe less red, but who cares anyway ^^
Not great art!? Of course it was. :P
As you say, perhaps I could have chosen a different colour.
Cheers, Colomban
Thanks for your honest and valuable feedback. In summary it seems that I've made a good start but have some areas to improve on.