Dear All,
A while ago I post a question about how to use Geany in our situation, students compiling multi-file projects for multiple targets. At the time, and in subsequent postings, there where some hints that things were being thought about. I wondered if anything was likely in the near future or if people already had solutions. In particular,
1) Having multiple easily-accessible compile options for a project. We have a need to compile a number of files, normally using gcc, to run either locally on a Intel/Linux box or alternatively on a ARM based embedded micro. It would be nice to have one directory of sources and multiple targets. In this situation perhaps an option to have say two/three compile + build commands + associated targets. These could be used to compile with different options, e.g. debug on/off, different architectures ... The default would be the top option but the others could be selected if required
2) The possibility to include/exclude files from a multifile compilation. This could obviously be done from a editable makefile, but it would be nice to have them easily selectable in a project, e.g. with tick boxes + the ability to add/remove files from the options list.
I apologise if I have missed a post giving information on the above. I would value a pointer to the correct thread.
Many Thanks