于 2013年01月30日 21:41, Joerg Desch 写道:
On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 19:18:26 +0800 coleman omegacoleman@gmail.com wrote:
I means -- "", can't you add this to the place you want to wrap in a long line, and then start a new line?
The "" is used in "programming languages"! In my case, I have a simple text file which have a LF as "end of paragraph". Adding "" would lead to "" in the resulting output.
As Lex already mentioned. I don't want to have hard wraps. I just don't want to scroll horizontally. So source code should be displayed without wrapped lines, and text files with wraps. ;-)
Oh! Sorry, sorry for misunderstanding your question.:-[ For outputting, it's surely all okay to have big lines.