On Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:51:44 +0100 Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
void foo ( int i ) { if ( i>0 ) [next_command]
OK, I think I understand. So if tab width is set to 8, then in the example above it would use 4 spaces for the if command, but for the next command it would use a tab instead of 8 spaces.
Right. That's it.
It's just for consistency reasons. If tabs are enabled, they should be used.
This is the point that confused me before, Geany's tab Indent Type setting makes tabs = indentation. You would want a different setting which applies when the space Indent Type is enabled - something like 'Compress spaces to tabs'.
Geany currently configures tabs with SCI_SETTABWIDTH. To separate tabs and indentation, the configuration dialog should ask for the indentation width and set SCI_SETINDENT with this value.
It might not be this simple, Geany's codebase expects tabs to mean indentation width. But I think this is worth implementing. I'll add a TODO item.
Thanks. That was my thought too. To start contributing to Geany, this hack would be to big. I think I start with writing a plugin. ;-)
would be nice, if the configuration dialog would support SCI_SETTABINDENTS(bool) too.
Just be to compatible with the current way of doing indents.