We are happy to announce a new release of Geany!
For a comprehensive list of changes please see: https://www.geany.org/Documentation/ReleaseNotes
Some highlights:
* Fix executing external commands on Windows. * Fix search entries color with the default GNOME 3.20 GTK2 theme. * Add support for keeping the cursor a number of lines from the edges to always show some context. * Update Scintilla to version 3.7.0. * Improve support for GTK 3.22. * Add support for VTE 0.38 and newer. * Update translations: ca, de, el, es, fr, id, it, kk, nl pt, pt_BR, sv, zh_CN.
We want to thank all developers, translators and everyone who contributed to this release with patches, feedback, bug reports and so on. Thank you!
As usual, all downloads can be found on https://www.geany.org/Download/Releases.
- Colomban