Frank Lanitz wrote:
HTML5 is still in some kind of a draft mode. Even most of browser do support some HTML5, its still not complete.
And yet, for people actually building websites, some of its features should be used right now. HTML standards have always been running to catch up with what the browsers are doing, it's just that this time, the browser vendors by and large agree on where that will end up. Even IE9!
At the very least, authors should be using some of the new input types (email, url, tel) to make it easier for people with iPhones to enter data. Also, the new video element makes it possible to deploy video to a browser that has no Flash or Quicktime player (e.g. various phones). Just to pick a couple of things randomly.
And you wouldn't want to still be using the acronym tag or others that will be dropped (and won't make it into some new browsers on mobile devices).
I don't see any good reason for not moving to HTML5 at least in part. Sure, some of the new stuff has little to no support (e.g. date inputs), but a lot of the new stuff is already there in the major standards- based browsers and can be simulated in IE with a little script. The only real hiccup with IE is that it doesn't recognise the new semantic tags as block elements, but that's easily fixed with one of these:
... followed by a block like this in your stylesheet:
section, article, details, aside, figure, figcaption, header, footer, hgroup, menu, nav, video /* ... etc. */ { display: block; }
Anyway, this is a bit off-topic for Geany, but either way the OP can set up their HTML template according to how they want to work, e.g. standards mode (be it HTML 4, XHTML, or HTML5) instead of quirks mode that the default template throws them into.