I think you're right about that... There is a file autocomplete.conf in /usr/share/geany. Renamaed my files to autocomplete.conf but still no snippets.
On Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:05:40 +0800, Ross McKay rosko@zeta.org.au wrote:
thomas de meijer wrote:
[...] Also the snippets in the default section don't work either, none of them do. Maybe I should try install a more recent version of geany? I have 0.12
Do you also have a file "autocomplete.conf" ? If you do, I think it will be read instead. As they say in Highlander, "there can be only one".
Ummm... actually, maybe 0.12 was looking for "autocomplete.conf" - check this by looking at your local copy of the help page, not the one on the interwebs.