Hello Geany List,
I am trying to create a shortcut key to insert an in-line block. Ideally what I would like is to type Ctrl+KEY which then produces { | }. Searching through the Keybindings documentation in the Geany manual, I found that KEY=4 works, but no other alpha key works.
I have made the following additions to my snippets.conf:
[Special] brace_inline={ %cursor% }
[Keybindings] brace_inline=<Ctrl>4 block_cursor=<Ctrl>8
[C++] bi_=%brace_inline%
The <Ctrl>4 binding works. The <Ctrl>8 binding works The bi_TAB snippet works.
It took quite a bit of experimenting and searching to discover the Ctrl+4 solution. I really would like to get this under my belt as key binding in snippets is a really very useful feature. My questions are:
Is there somewhere an index of which keys have been allocated?
Which keys I can use in [keybindings]
Many thanks for any hints as to where I should be looking.