On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 17:30:32 +0200 Vlastimil Ott linux@e-ott.info wrote:
I'm editing some plain text. It's a article and it will be published on web in HTML. How could I add paired tags to a paragraph? The only way I know is
- go to paragraph begin, write <p>
- delete </p> (autoclosing)
- go to paragraph end
- write (or copy) </p>
I've used Quanta with user-defined hotkeys for years. They helped a lot - Ctrl-; for applying <p></p> to a selection, Ctrl-1 for pasting
<h1></h1> and so on.
How to do this with Geany?
Right now I don't know of a way doing this, but I've implemented something similar on GeanyLaTeX plugin inside. Maybe this piece of code can be ported to also fit for XML/HTML. MAybe not the best code doing this, but at least it's working ;) http://git.geany.org/geany-plugins/tree/geanylatex/src/latexenvironments.c#n...
Cheers, Frank