I have a question about tab identation. Imagine that I have code like this:
[1] ->->->... code [2] ->->->... code
Where [n] is line number, "->" is tab and "." is space.
If I press tab of shift+tab at first line, I get desired identation, but also an artifact: spaces (".") are replaced with tab and code in case of one tab become like this:
[1] ->->->->-> code
I want to save my space identation and if I change Preferences -> Editor -> Identation -> "Tab key idents" to unchecked, I get my desired tab key function. But that is true only if I change one line at a time.
If I select more lines (for example, first and second) and press tab of shift+tab, spaces are still replaced with tabs.
I do remember that at least one type of identation (tab or shift+tab) saved my spacing, but I can't recall in which version of Geany it was. And as I have clean (default) geany installation now, it may be due to configuration issue.
So my question is: how and if I can configure Geany to support my desired identation (save spaces) with tab/shift+tab.
Thanks in advance.